How to register for Fastpacs
Who Does FASTPACS support? ¿A quién apoya FASTPACS?
We provide food assistance to eligible students in Frisco ISD (PreK-12). Our weekend meal packs contain the items listed below. If you qualify for the National School Meal Program (free/reduced price meal plan), you automatically qualify for the Frisco Fastpacs program. You must register below to begin receiving your Fastpacs meal pack.
how do I register my student(s)? ¿Cómo registro a mi estudiante?
Please click on the REGISTER NOW button below, to register your student for weekend meal packs.
how will i receive my weekend meal packs? ¿Cómo recibiré mis paquetes de comidas de fin de semana?​
There are multiple ways your child can receive their packs this year, depending on their grade level
Please click on the REGISTER NOW button above for the delivery details.
We hope our Fastpacs weekend meal packs will be a blessing to your family.
What is in a Fastpacs
weekend meal pack?
¿Qué hay en un paquete de comida de fin de semana Fastpacs?
(3) Proteins-Tuna/Chicken/Soup/Chili/Beans/Ensure
(1) 15oz can Vegetable
(1) 15oz can Fruit
(2) Individual Pasta-Easy-Mac/Ramen/Rice cup
(2) Individual Breakfast Items-Granola Bar/Oatmeal
(3) Individual Snacks-Cheez-its/Pretzels/Goldfish
(3) Individual Desserts-Rice Krispy Treats/Cookies/Gummies